1. bloody mary
  2. grim reaper
  3. romantic date
  4. love message
  5. love message
  6. positive attitude
  7. happy face
  8. happy face
  9. good vibes
  10. slim body
  11. slim body
  12. slim body
  13. slim body
  14. love message
  15. sick girl
  16. sick girl
  17. positive review
  18. limited time
  19. love message
  20. clean house
  21. cyclist
  22. good feedback
  23. cyclist
  24. cyclist
  25. cyclist
  26. cyclist
  27. cyclist
  28. broken smartphone
  29. winged sun
  30. flooded house
  31. igloo
  32. igloo
  33. igloo
  34. igloo
  35. igloo
  36. igloo
  37. medieval house
  38. silly strings
  39. coat of arms
  40. letter of marque
  41. time to eat
  42. bread of the dead
  43. bread of the dead
  44. message in a bottle
  45. message in a bottle
  46. message in a bottle