1. great dane
  2. piercing
  3. cold
  4. cold
  5. adaptive
  6. ancient
  7. raw
  8. handmade
  9. belgian
  10. hosting
  11. cyclist
  12. cyclist
  13. elizabethan collar
  14. wireless
  15. piercing
  16. scared
  17. polar
  18. pirated
  19. Official
  20. anti
  21. clean
  22. protective
  23. protective
  24. clean
  25. previous
  26. treadmill
  27. nomadic
  28. protestant
  29. scientific
  30. safe
  31. polar
  32. fused
  33. mobile
  34. cyclist
  35. time to eat
  36. bread of the dead
  37. alert
  38. piercing
  39. piercing
  40. Stable
  41. immortal
  42. unknown
  43. military
  44. automatic
  45. rich
  46. puzzle
  47. sorry
  48. grim reaper
  49. off
  50. asian